Jukebox Evolution. Social interaction with other conference participants.

This is a concept my group and I created as part of a project for the Play Intelligence Foundation’s conference that was held in Odense, Denmark, in the autumn of 2013. This foundation supports the theory that play is an expression of intelligence and why play is an important learning factor in education.

We created a social and creative kind of experience concept (using a new kind of technology) as the concept needed to cover some of the subjects from the conference. During the conference there are breaks. During these it is nice to put ones mind elsewhere and try to build up social contacts in a playful way. This is where our concept comes in.

Jukebox Evolution - Interactive name tag
Jukebox Evolution - Infographic

When the guests order a ticket online, they will have to fill in information about themselves. When they order a ticket they will receive a personal badge. With their personal badge they will be able to share their contact information by holding their badge against the other guest’s badge. This is possible because of the chip that is located inside the badge. It is not only possible to share contact information with the personal badge, but the badge also includes a special sound.

This sound can be used to create a song on one of the interactive table screens (Jukebox Table) by placing the personal badge on the screen. Since each of the badges includes only one specific sound, the guests need to socialize and interact with each other to compile different kind of sound elements. By working together as a team, the guests need to communicate with each other and play around with the different kind of sounds to create a song. Since there will be several of these table screens available, there is an opportunity to compete as teams against each other making the “best song”. After the teams have mixed the sounds together, the songs will be automatically uploaded on to the Play Foundation Facebook page. There the guests, speakers and people who are interested can vote for the best song. At the end of the day the winners will be announced and receive a reward. The rewards will be new sounds from the different elements that can be used to mix new songs (and better songs). This way the guests have a rewarding social experience in a playful way.

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